We are sorry but cannot take any more orders for Valentine's weekend we are fully booked, taking orders again from Monday the 17th Feb sorry for any inconvenience.


Endless Romance - Grand Red Rose Bouquet


Delivery Cost: £7.50

Make a statement of love and elegance with this breathtaking bouquet of premium long-stemmed red roses. This oversized arrangement, meticulously handcrafted, features the finest velvety roses arranged to perfection. Wrapped in luxurious paper and tied with a rich velvet ribbon, it is a showstopping gift ideal for Valentine's Day or any grand romantic gesture. - Includes: 24 premium long-stemmed red roses. - Presentation: Elegant gift box with velvet ribbon. - Ideal for: Valentine's Day, anniversaries, proposals, or special celebrations. Sweep them off their feet with this grand expression of love, a bouquet designed to leave a lasting impression. **PRE-ORDER BY 1st FEBRUARY FOR COMPLIMENTARY LUXURY CHOCOLATES**